- 29 septiembre, 2021
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Sex work
Male sex workers have been systematically excluded by the interventions of the responsible for public health agencies, as well as by the scientific community. For this reason, this research line seeks to make visible the reality of a group that is as broad as it is diverse and unknown. In this line, the team has developed studies that delve into the psychosocial profile of male sex workers, and those variables that could influence the development of sex work. Similarly, studies related to their psychosexual development and sexual health have been made. Also, on those dispositional and contextual variables that may favor the development of health risk behaviors, such as exposure to HIV infection. When conducting these studies, the reality of clientelism has also been taken into account. In this area, studies have been carried out to analyze its incidence, as well as those motivations and differential profiles that could modulate the experience of people who use prostitution services. Through these research lines, the aim is to deepen in the knowledge on the sex work field, in order to improve risk prevention and health promotion strategies for these groups.