Consol Aguilar Rodenas

Promote skills and develop attitudes, from a gender perspective, to promote equality and detect and transform sexist, homophobic and transphobic stereotypes from the respect to the sexual, family and gender identity diversity.
The Inclusion of sexual diversity (LGBTQ +) from the CYL, in the initial training of teachers, making visible an important aspect of citizenship and human rights training.
The aim of the workshop “From the word reading to the world reading: CYL (Children and Youth literature) and sexual diversity” is to deep analyse these aspects from the critical education, offering alternatives to the curricular absence of gender and sexual diversity in the initial training of teachers, in spite of the existence of the legislative article in this regard. We must consider that who must implement the legislative content in the classrooms are the teachers, who do not always share this educational ideological position, or they cannot train because they are not trained. By this reason, awareness and training are necessary to detect and to act in problematic situations. The workshop will offer a main concepts tour from reading alternatives linked to violence-free relationships, in order to transform the literary imaginary that socially and sexually orders the construction of identities from the education, as well as addressing these terms and implementing LGTBIQ diversity in the initial teacher-training curriculum, a necessary and urgent measure in current society to combat homophobia and transphobia as a committed citizen, and implement the United Nations Sustainable Development (ODS) educational and gender objectives following the spirit of the 2012-2022 Citizen Commitment for Sustainability to everybody.
Professor in the Initial training of teachers for thirty-five years.
Full-Professor of the University School of Didactics of Language and Literature, in the department of Pedagogy and Didactics of the Social Sciences, Language and Literature of the UJI.
Headmaster of the research grup “Didactics of Language and Critical Literature and Pedagogy”.
Headmaster of the Educational Inovation grupo “Critical Education and Gender”.
Member of the Isonomia Foundation. Participant in several Doctorates, Postgraduate and Masters related to Didactics of Language and Literature, Critical education, and gender. All these topics are related to her national and international publications. She has also taught in doctoral courses related to gender during twenty editions, and subsequently she participates in the Doctorate of Gender and Education from its beginning.
She has been member of the Scientific Committee of numerous national and international Congresses linked to gender. She is part of the Scientific Committee of several indexed journals. She has given presentations and conferences related to gender in various academic, research and social forums, from congresses to the Queer Fest 2017 addressing sexual diversity from the CYL.
She has directed twenty-one research and educational innovation projects, and she has participated as a researcher in various autonomous research projects. She has also participated as a researcher in various state I+D projects directed from the CREA of the UB.
Teaching action award of the I UJI Equality Plan 2014 and the II UJI Equality Plan 2016.
Educational research and innovation award of the II UJI Equality Plan 2018.