María del Carmen Castilla Cañas

Third generation therapies, and particularly Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) are assuming considerable advances in the cognitive-behavioral tradition, providing an innovative perspective from which to approach psychological problems. In the area of sexual dysfunctions and problems, ACT provides effective resources to address barriers that are interfering with sexual satisfaction. It is an approach that is not aimed at controlling “symptoms” such as anxiety, lack of desire or pain, or the improvement of sexual performance. On the contrary, the intervention is directed towards the values and the active acceptance of the discomfort.
Although the patients frequently seek to improve their execution or suppress private events (such as fear, negative thoughts or apathy), ACT’s direction is marked by values, which inspire goals and actions to cultivate sexuality in a context where it acquires a full meaning (more closeness or intimacy, improving health or self-care, etc.). At the same time, coping with avoidance and discomfort control, psychological flexibility is promoted, or the ability to act in the right direction while maintaining contact with discomfort. This therapy integrates mindfulness techniques with metaphors and experiential exercises aimed at clarifying values, the right perspective in front of discomfort and promoting valuable actions.
In this workshop, the ACT perspective will be illustrated through representative clinical cases and practical exercises to work on values and the management of psychological barriers to improve sexuality and couple’s intimacy. The aim is providing the clinical specialists with an initial contact with ACT and promoting a reflection on the role of experiential avoidance and psychological flexibility in sexual problems.
She has a degree in Psychology from the Iniversity of Granada. She is a psychologist specialized in clinical psychology and she holds a master’s degree of Human Sexuality and Contextual Therapies Master’s Degree.
Mª del Carmen is clinical psychologist and sexologist in Orienta Psicólogos (Jaen) since 25 years ago. Moreover, she is Professor of the Contextual Therapies Master’s Dregree at the ACT’s Institute (Madrid)