Mª José Tamarit Peris

One of the most complex situations that an organization working with people with ID must face is the existence of abusive situations. How the organization responds from the outset will be vital for the victim. Her recovery, protection and the consequences of the development of the judicial process will depend to a large extent on it. The intervention in the round table addresses, on the one hand, how the professionals of the residence or sheltered housing that work with the victim should act so that it is a responsible intervention characterized by protection. On the other hand, he explains how he performs his work of evaluation of the abuse, that is to say, what is the process and what elements intervene in the development of the evaluation of the testimonial evidence that concludes with the issuance of a forensic psychological report.
María José Tamarit Peris graduated in Psychology from the University of Valencia in 1991. Health psychologist, forensic and mediator, she has been developing her professional work in the fields of clinical psychology and legal psychology for thirty years in private practice. She joined the Forensic Psychology Intervention Service of the Official College of Psychologists of Valencia in 2003, working as an expert witness for seven years, after which she specialized in the mistreatment and sexual abuse of children and people with intellectual disabilities. Since 2011 she collaborates with the Valencian Institute of Social-Sanitary Care (IVASS), making forensic technical reports in situations of suspected abuse in the residences or sheltered housing of the entity and advising in such cases about protocols for action and care for the victim.