Antonio Fuertes Martín

The exploration of sexuality and relational intimacy are central aspects during adolescence and youth development. Although this exploration could follow separate paths, it is not less true that, frequently, there will be an important interdependence between them. In fact, some young people sexual experiences are taking place in a relationship context. In this way, the interrelation among sexual experiences and different processes/relational dynamics can take very different forms, and without a doubt, this will become a relevant aspect in understanding the possible course of the relationship and, more importantly, the well-being of the people involved in that relationship. This has really been one of the main objectives of our research work in recent years. In our most recent project, taking as a referent framework the J. Bowlby Attachment Theory (1969) and Deci and Ryan’s Basic Psychological Needs Theory (2000), and through a longitudinal and dyadic design, we wanted to deepen our understanding of the relationship between anxiety and avoidance in the partner attachment context; the resolution or restriction in the relational context of the autonomy, bonding and competence needs, and finally the sexual satisfaction. The results support the importance of considering the interrelations among attachment, basic psychological needs and sexual experience, as a way to deepen the understanding of the relational, affective and sexual dynamics of adolescents and young people, and their role in development and personal well-being.
He is a Full Professor in the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Salamanca, with the Clinical Psychologist specialty. Furthermore, he is the headmaster of the Social Affairs Service at the University of Salamanca, and the headmaster of the Research Group on Sexuality and Interpersonal Relations at the University of Salamanca. Moreover, he is the deputy director of the Family and Couple Therapy Master at the University of Salamanca, coordinating at the same time the Phd programs “Sexuality, partner and family” and “Sexuality and Interpersonal Relations” for two decades at the same university. He has been the principal researcher of several R&D Projects related to sexual development, sexuality in adolescents and young people relationships, and sexual assault and coercion. Finally, he has written several papers, books and books chapters in the above mentioned fields.