David Paricio Salas

The workshop is focused on sexual health care and STI prevention strategies, from a positive approach, which places the diversity (sexual diversity, generational diversity, functional diversity, cultural diversity, etc.) as a central issue of sexual health promotion. STI prevention strategies (barrier methods and other health strategies) beyond the cis-heterosexual norm will be addressed, but emphasising the health care strategies based on autonomy, empowerment, decision ability, communication skills, negotiation of practices and games, among others, to promote safer and more pleasant sexualities. The connection strategy with pleasure and well-being will be the guiding thread of the workshop, which will try to combat the STIs and serophobia stigma at the same time.
From a sexual rights approach and an intersectional feminist perspective, participants will be provided with elements to analyse how structural inequalities (such as sexism, racism, classism and heteronormative binarism, among others) make difficult the exercise of Sexual Rights and sexual health, and methodological keys for promoting transformative health will be proposed.
Methodological tools and pedagogical resources will be shared, which will allow the participants integrating sexual and gender diversity to promote sexual health, placing the subjective well-being of people and pleasure in the core and making the diversity a positive element that is the central axis of the interventions in sexual health.
Academically Trained in Social Work and Anthropology, he began his professional career in the drug use prevention field, and in the care of people affected in a therapeutic community. In 1996 he began working on the HIV / AIDS prevention from the “SIDA STUDI” entity, where he has been the main coordinator since 2001. Currently, he combines coordination tasks with Sexual Rights formation with a feminist perspective, aimed at professionals and group interventions with young people and adolescents’ family referents. He has been an associate professor at the University of Barcelona in the degree of Social Work. He is member of the 1st December-NGO-AIDS Platform of Catalonia Committee and he is also involved in the engine group of Strategy of Sexual and Reproductive Health promoted by the Barcelona City.