Felipe Hurtado Murillo

The discordance between the felt gender identification, the assigned sex and the upbringing , may result in a feeling of discomfort that can manifest itself in different intensity degrees depending on the person and her o his feelings, although it ussually begins at very early ages.
Transexuality with or without gender dysphoria does not necessarily imply the existence of mental disorders. However, a significant number of transgender people suffer psychosocial and mental health problems, which are probably due to the challenges they have to face in order to be socially accepted.
Transgender people do not demand health care because they feel sick, but because they need to adapt their bodies to their gender identity due to the social obstacles they encounter to their free gender manifestation. It is also true that they are not a homogeneous group, neither in their social demands or in their healthcare requirements, so no single itinerary or stereotyped models of identity can be imposed.
Health and social care should be based on the principle of respect for the free manifestation of gender identity, equality and dignity, in order to prevent that transgender people from hiding their condition due to fear of social disapproval and negative consequences as a result of their social visibility.
Considering the partial or total irreversible consequences of gender affirmation treatments, it is absolutely necessary to carry out a careful individualized assessment, which should be supported by a psychological follow-up, attending not only the transgender person, but also his or her family.
He received his PhD in Psychology from the University of Valencia. He is specialist in Clinical Psychology. Physician (specialist) in the Department Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health “Fuente San Luis”, in Valencia.
Gender Identity Reference Unit (UIG), in Valencia.
Advisor to Law 8/2017, of April 7th, of the Valencian Community (recognition of the identity rights and gender expression).
Health expert for the integral attention to transsexuality protocol (Valencian Community), and in the Ministry of Health and Social Policy.
University teaching
International Master’s Degree in Migration. Department of personality, evaluation and psychological treatment (University of Valencia).
Modular Sexual Health Training Program. National University of Distance Education (UNED). Spain.
Expert course in evaluation and intervention in childhood and adolescent clinical psychology (Jaume I University of Castellón).
Postgraduate course “Sexualidad humana: retos para el siglo XXI” (Catholic University of Colombia).
Resident Training Tutor of the Clinical Psychology Specialty in the Department Doctor Peset Hospital (Valencian Community).
Training of Obstetric-Gynecological Nursing (Midwives Teaching Unit). Valencian Community.
He is an author of 16 books, 4 book chapters, 70 papers in scientific journals, more than 100 lectures in national and international conferences. Headmaster of the scientific journal Desexologia.com.
Scientific societies
Member of the Advisory Committee of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS).
Chairman of the WAS World Sexual Health Day Committee.
General Secretary of the Latin American Federation of Sexology Societies (FLASSES).
Vocal of the Spanish Federation of Sexology Societies (FESS).
President of the Sexology and Sexual Medicine Spanish Academy (AESyMES).