Marta Evelia Aparicio García

Marta Evelia Aparicio García, Ph.D., is Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid since 2001. She is the Coordinator of the Master of Gender Studies and teaches in the Master of LGBTQ + Studies. Her research lines are related to gender and LGBTQ + people health. Expert in Orientation and Labor Insertion of the University of Huelva (2012) and she has a Methodology of Behavioral and Health Sciences Master. From September 2008 to November 2010 she was the Academic Secretary of the Complutense Institute of International Studies. From January 2011 to September 2014 she was the deputy director of the School of Labor Relations. From October 2004 to September 2005 she was a professor of the C.E.S. Cardinal Cisneros and Professor of the San Pablo CEU University Foundation from 1998 to September 2005. She is the author of more than 50 papers and several book chapters. She worked as a clinical psychologist since 1998 and as an Educational Psychologist at the Hastings School. She has collaborated in several companies in the Human Resources field. In 2004, she won the Ángel Herrera Prize for the best teaching work of the San Pablo CEU University Foundation.