Pedro Nobre

This presentation will present a summary of findings from three different studies examining the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic in several dimensions of sexual health. The first study focus on the impact of the confinement measures on sexual behavior, psychological well-being, relationship satisfaction, and sexual health in a sample of Portuguese university students (N=776) and in a community sample of the Portuguese population (N=955). The second study (N=662) examined the relationship between COVID-19 confinement levels and sexual functioning domains in men and women, while accounting for the mediating role of psychological adjustment during lockdown. The third study (N = 528) used a longitudinal design to examine the role played by personality trait factors (neuroticism, extraversion) as well as psychosexual factors (sexual beliefs) in predicting sexual functioning and sexual distress across time during the current pandemic crisis.
Pedro Nobre is Full Professor of Psychology at Porto University and President of the World Association for Sexual Health (2017-2021). He is also Director of the Doctoral Program in HumanSexuality and of the Laboratory for Research in Human Sexuality (SexLab) at Porto University. Pedro Nobre is also the Chair of the Research Center for Psychology at University of Porto. He has published over 100 scientific papers on topics such as psychological factors of sexual dysfunctions, psychological treatments for sexual problems, psychosocial predictors of sexual health and well-being, psychological models of sexual function & dysfunction, Neuropsychophysiological correlates of sexual health. He is Principal Investigator in several funded projects. Moreover, he received several international prizes for scientific merit awarded by prestigious scientific organizations and has also developed and promoted a number of international research networks. Pedro Nobre is Past-President of the Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology (2008-2011) and was President of the Organizing Committee of the 10th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology (2010) and Co-chair of the IASR meeting in 2012. He was Chair of the Scientific Committee of the World Association for Sexual Health (2013 – 2017) and member of the WAS Advisory Committee since 2009.