Zélia Ferreira Caçador Anastácio

Zélia Ferreira Caçador Anastácio is teacher and researcher in the University of Minho since 1999. She has a PhD double degree on Child Studies, area of Child Health (University of Minho, Portugal, 2007) and on Didactics of Biology, Health and Environment (University Claude Bernard Lyon-1, France, 2007); Master degree in Health Promotion and Education (2001, UTAD, Portugal) and License in Biology and Geology (1996, UTAD, Portugal).
Currently, she is Assistant Professor in the Institute of Education of the University of Minho (IE-UM), being the coordinator of the curricular units Human Biology and Health and Natural Sciences I, on the license course of Basic Education.
Zélia Anastácio is an integrated member of the Research Center on Child Studies (CIEC; FCT Unit 317) in which she is the coordinator of the Thematic Strand 3: Childhood Professionals. Her research interests are in the field of health promotion and education, with a focus on the field of sexuality education, in addition to children at risk and living in residence care, emotions, sleep, hygiene and safety. She was the principal researcher of the national project “Skills Development for Health and Healthy Sexuality based on the Identification of Needs in Scholar Milieu and Institutional Milieu”, with financial support from the Foundation of Science and Technology (Ref. PTDC/CPE-CED/120404/2010; 2012-2015). She also has been team member of several research projects with national and international financial support (FCT; ERASMUS+). She is author and editor of some books and e-books, published national and international book chapters, papers in proceedings of congresses, scientific journals, as well as has been reviewer of several international journals. She is also supervisor of PhD Thesis and master’s dissertations and reports in the domains of sexuality education and health promotion and education.