Sela Andreu Muñoz

In this intervention, the work done in affective-sexual diversity, family, gender, ethnocultural and religious at the University of Valencia will be presented. The services offered and areas of work will be presented, as well as the different resources available to the university community in diversity matters. For example, the attention to identity and gender expression and multi-coloured spaces protocol will be presented in this round table. In addition, there will be presented the elaboration process of the I Diversities Plan, in which some data of the diagnosis in the diversity matter between students, professors and administration staff of the university will be shown. Furthermore, people in charge of implementing and monitoring the policies will also be presented. Finally, the participatory process of defining objectives, identifying and prioritizing actions and applying the intersectional perspective in university policies will be the last topic of this round table.
Sela Andreu Muñoz is a diversity technician at the University of Valencia, where she has specialized in the management of affective-sexual, gender and family, ethnic-cultural and religious diversity policies. She teaches and coordinates training courses on diversity, all of them for university students, professors and for the administration staff. She has participated in the diagnosis’s elaboration and university protocols implementation for accompaniment and diversity attention. Furthermore, she has designed awareness-raising and recognition actions, such as those that were developed for the first time within the University Pride framework (2020). Likewise, she has participated in several conferences related to diversity work in the university environment, such as the I Meeting on LGBTI Equality Policies (Bilbao, 2018), the workshops of the INVITED project on strategies of equity, diversity and inclusion in European universities (Dublin, 2019), or the I International Congress of Attention to Affective-Sexual Diversity, Body and Gender: Educational Research and Practice (online, 2020).