Inmaculada Montoya Castilla

Inmaculada Montoya Castilla is Professor at the University of Valencia. She obtained her degree in 1997, and her PhD in 2002, both titles in the University of Valencia. She has also been professor at the UNED (2004-2005) and at the Valencia International University (2009). She is the headmaster of the EMINA-UV group.
She is a Gestalt Psychotherapist and she has conducted some trainings, oriented to the clinic, teaching and research fields. She has made direct classroom’s interventions and has coordinated an Educational Guidance Department (2005-2009).
Her research is mainly carried out in two large areas: education and health.
In the educational area, her research focuses on emotional skills, childhood, adolescence, family and teachers. She is the principal researcher and a member of the research team in different projects, founded by public and private entities. In those projects, she has made different publications on parenting and health styles in childhood, parent training for conflict resolution, emotional competences in childhood and emotional development in adolescence. All those projects have evolved the PREDEMA Program (Programa de educación emocional para adolescentes. De la emoción al sentido (2016). Madrid: Pirámide). Currently she is the principal investigator of a I+D Project (Socio-emotional intervention supported by ICT: development of responsibility and well-being in the educational community), founded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PSI2017-84005-R). From here, Emotic App has been developed, which tries to develop emotional competences in teenagers.
In the health area, she investigates the psychological repercussions of the chronic disease in pediatric patients and their family, specifically in Type I Diabetes and respiratory diseases.
All this research has originate different articles in national and international scientific journals, teaching-oriented books, as well as books and chapters on the research results, and several contributions in national and international conferences.